Secondary Girls’ Year Level Coordinator’s Message

Dear Parents, Carers and My Lovely Students,

‘If you are brave enough to say good bye, life will reward you with a new hello.’

- Paula Coelho

I am proud to say that I completed my first six years of teaching at the Ibrahim Dellal Campus and became part of this amazing community.

It was a great pleasure to see these young children grown into young adults who have dreams, hopes and - most importantly – courage to achieve their goals.

In writing this message, I am also informing you of my move next year to the Eastmeadows campus. The many years I have spent teaching and coordinating your children have been the most rewarding of my life.

To my girls, of course, there were a lot of ups and downs over the years, but never let them shadow what you can take from your secondary years. Remember all the laughter, joy and friendships. Do not do anything that you will regret in the future; use your time wisely and focus on your goals. As they say, ‘time flies’ and as I always say to you, ‘you are rehearsing for life’ - every challenge, every obstacle, every issue that you come across will be an experience for you to be ready for the real life that will start after school.

I would like to thank each and every parent for being very supportive over the years. It was a great pleasure to meet you and I hope everything that you dream for your child comes true.

I retain many wonderful memories from my years at this campus and I will cherish them as long as I live.

I will miss all of the children and wish you all a wonderful break with your loved ones.

If you need to contact me, please email me directly at [email protected].

Kind regards,
Ms Sebnem Golbasi